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Corporate Social Responsibility

We seek to create value, civilization and progress.

Corporate Social Responsibility constitutes an important factor for the modern business entity. It indicates a balanced approach to the economic, social and environmental impact of a business's operations and is based on the three pillars of economic growth, sustainability and social cohesion.

The European Union has defined corporate social responsibility as "a concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis".

Gavriel is focused on constant improvement and has therefore developed procedures relating both to its in-house operations and its relations with society as a whole which cover collaboration with stakeholders, the adoption of standards, and the systematic monitoring, checking and certification of social auditing procedures.

The Company implements its corporate social responsibility strategy in a reliable, consistent and sensitive manner via a series of actions and practices covering four key areas:

  • Human Resources - looking after our employees
  • Market - operating as an active member of society
  • Natural Environment - committed to sustained development
  • Society - respecting and supporting the local and wider community
Gavriel Building & Civil Engineering Contractors 2011 - 2025
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